Saturday 16 November 2013

X-Men: Days of Future Past Trailer Review

I had been waiting weeks to see the trailer for the next X-Men movie ever since I saw some (low quality) footage from Comic Con on Youtube.

I have watched it dozens, if not hundreds of times ever since it was officially released a few weeks back and it has increased my excitement dramatically for May 2014.

At the same time, however, I am going to be cautious going into it for a number of reasons.

Firstly, one of the reasons I am so excited for Days of Future Past is because First Class was so good.

I am not familiar with any of the source material but I felt Matthew Vaughn's 2011 blockbuster was the best X-Men film yet. I haven't seen The Wolverine but I plan to get around to it.

I felt First Class got the relationship between Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr, who later become Professor X and Magneto, spot on and that is largely down to James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender who were superb in their roles.

Because their friendship was strong in that film, it makes the final third of the movie have a really emotional tone and you really feel it when they go their separate ways. Or I did, anyway.

So one thing I am keen to see in Days of Future Past is how both characters develop and from what I have seen in the trailer, Xavier looks like a broken man, troubled by the loss of his legs along with Erik and Mystique.

Mystique herself seems to be heartbroken as we see her crying in the trailer. We don't definitively know why but I assume it is because of what happened towards the end of First Class.

But I am also interested to both sets of cast members interact on screen with each other. We see this with both McAvoy and Patrick Stewart at the end of the trailer.

The Marvel geek inside me screamed with delight but I also want to see Fassbender and Ian McKellen interact on screen with each other.

Nevertheless, I like the idea of both sets of the X-Men family interacting in the same movie and given that it also seems to be a time travel movie adds an extra level of anticipation.

But, as I stated in the intro, I am also quite cautious.

The reason I say this is because even though this trailer makes Days of Future Past look epic, Spider-Man 3 had the same thing happen.

The previews and advertisements made that film look great but Sam Raimi's third web-slinging adventure proved to be a victim of three-quel-itis, where it doesn't live up the two previous instalments.

Spider-Man 3 had the problems of cluttering everything into one movie and expecting it to make a good story. We had three movie villains, all of whom were somewhat under-developed. There were other story elements and character plot points which simply didn't work because the film was trying to do so much.

I seriously hope that Days of Future Past avoids this and really has a good story to it.

But with Bryan Singer directing, I do feel more confident as the first two X-Men movies he directed and both were good.

Anyway, what is your opinion on X-Men: Days of Future Past? Leave a comment and start a debate! Bring on May 2014!

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